Saturday, March 27, 2010

Palin tells Tea Baggers to “Dump Democrats”


About 7,000 people streamed into Searchlight, Nevada 60 miles south of Las Vegas, bringing American flags, "Don't Tread on Me" signs and their anger.

The rally, sponsored by The Tea party, featured Fox News analyst and potential 2012 presidential candidate, Sarah Palin who faced criticism after posting a map on her Facebook page that had circles and cross hairs over 20 Democratic districts. She also sent a tweet saying, "Don't Retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"

So what did Harry Reid think about this rally in his back yard?

Excerpt from AP:

"I'm happy so many people came to see my hometown of Searchlight and spend their out-of-state money, especially in these tough economic times," Reid said Saturday in a statement released through his Senate campaign. "This election will be decided by Nevadans, not people from other states who parachuted in for one day to have a tea party."

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