Friday, October 8, 2010

Why guys are sweatier than gals

Brian Alexander writes: “Everybody has a gym story about the guy on the stair climbing machine next to you who is dripping so profusely and puffing so maniacally that you're in constant danger from flying sweat.

(Whoa! There goes a drop.)

But why is it always a guy? Are women just more conscientious about frequent toweling?

No, says a new study from researchers at Osaka International and Kobe Universities in Japan. Their experiment, published in the journal Experimental Physiology, showed that men not only sweat more than women, something previous research has shown, but are better at it.

Men have a lower perspiration threshold than women, the study said, meaning, the authors suggested, that the male thermostat will trigger sweating at a lower temperature than the female thermostat. This was true for both trained and untrained men compared to trained and untrained women.”

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